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Why Are You Writing?

It recently occurred to me that when people ask "Why do you write", they really mean to say, "Why Should I Write"?

My answer is: because you don't have any reason. Because fluidly going with the seasons is the best way to do anything, because you ought to love doing something new for reason at all, because happiness can come from feeling nothing.

There's no point in only writing because you feel like it, or because you're in a good mood! We write everyday as a means of communication. But sometimes we stop communicating when we feel uncomfortable.

The reality of it is, life is better when you love, sing, dream. You can transform two days of boredom into the happiest days of your life, if you accept your situation and unleash your creativity.

And make sure to show someone! Houses become homes after you let someone in. Share your journey with someone that will read every word. I know that may feel embarrassing to some, but trusting a beta reader or an editor will be your characters' first step to being heard.

When you pretend, you're making yourself stronger in the midst of a storm. Even if you feel odd, it's because the power of pretending should feel odd.

Hope that helps!

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